is a personal blog created, written, and edited by Rachel Gonzalez

For questions about this blog, contact Rachel at:

Disclosures For Babes And Birth:

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials to protect you from misleading advertising that a company has paid for. Since Babes And Birth generates income and does sometimes include endorsements, affiliate links, and testimonials, it’s important that the following is disclosed:

I only endorse and promote products that I trust and personally recommend.

  • This blog is a source of income and may be used to promote products, services, or other businesses.
  • I only share and promote products, services, or businesses that I trust and believe will be beneficial for my readers.
  • Affiliate links are used in some of my blog posts and I make a percentage of each sale. This does not add additional charges or any cost to you.
  • Any products that I am provided for the sake of a review or given to me free of charge. It will be disclosed that this is a paid advertisement, but does not guarantee that it will receive a positive review. I only share my honest opinions, I will not endorse or post about a product that I don’t believe in.
  • It is my goal to share resources and educational content with moms and moms-to-be while making an income to help provide a living for myself and my family.

Ways that I earn a living through my blog

Affiliate Links:

Most of my blog posts are meant to educate moms and moms-to-be about various aspects of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum life. When applicable to the content, I will show product recommendations by including links to those items on affiliate sites. These links are a way for me to show the reader exactly which product I am talking about and provide a quick and easy way to learn more about each product. If a sale is made, I will make a small percentage that the retailer pays me, not the purchaser. As the customer, there is never any additional charge to you.

Babes And Birth is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program where various businesses are able to advertise products from Amazon and earn a small commission (at no cost to you) when a sale is made.

Sponsored Posts:

I am sometimes compensated to provide my opinion on various products, services, businesses, or other topics. Even though I occasionally receive payment for posts or advertisements, I always give my honest opinions, findings, experiences, or recommendations on those topics or products. All views and opinions expressed on are exclusively my own. Any claim, statistic, or quote about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.


Below each blog post is a comments section where readers are able to ask questions, share their beliefs or personal experiences, or engage with each other. This section is intended to be a place where everyone is encouraged and empowered. I enjoy reading the comments and learning about other opinions, insights, and ideas. However, I do ask that we keep respectful language towards each other. I reserve the right to remove any comments that do not follow the guidelines of being kind and respectful towards one another.


The comments section on my blog is a place to support, empower and encourage. I love reading every comment and considering your opinions and ideas. But, I ask that we are kind and respectful to each other. And I do reserve the right to remove comments that don’t fit into this space.