Hi, I’m Rachel!

I’m a birth assistant who is extremely passionate about educating and empowering mamas and mamas-to-be on all things pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and child development.

Picture of author Rachel Gonzalez hugging her Husband Abraham as they sit on top of a large rock. Both are smiling at the camera

I have found that many women solely rely on getting all of their information and the recommended procedures from their healthcare provider. This usually only allows them to see one perspective, which just isn’t an accurate representation. The truth is, there are many resources and options available and I believe that in order for you to make the best, informed decision for you, you should know all of the choices and their pros and cons. My goal is not only for you to have a deeper understanding of everything involved with motherhood, but to be able to be in control and confident in the decisions that you make.

I received a bachelor’s degree in psychology, family relations, and child development in 2019 and have since attended midwifery school and served a year-long apprenticeship in a midwifery practice. I have attended dozens of birth, working as a birth assistant and have loved walking alongside women from the early stages of pregnancy and through the first months of postpartum life. It is now my dream to continue forming these kinds of relationships and moving more into education and creating helpful resources for women all around the world.

10 Fun Facts About Me:

  1. I lived on the big island of Hawaii while attending midwifery school.
  2. I met my husband Abe at the DMV (he was the one helping me get a new driver’s license).
  3. We have two tuxedo cats, our boy, Bugs who is a gentleman and our girl, Bam Bam who is wild and fat.
  4. My husband is fluent in Spanish and I’ve been working on learning the language for the past few years.
  5. Despite being terrified of heights, I have gone cliff jumping.
  6. I collect movie tickets from every movie I see in theaters.
  7. My go-to comfort show is either Parks and Recreation or New Girl.
  8. I could eat tacos and sushi every day for the rest of my life.
  9. After my first car got totaled, I had a funeral photo shoot to commemorate its life and made a tear-jerking video set to a Celine Dion song.
  10. My siblings and I were homeschooled all the way from K-12th grade (my mother is amazing, I don’t know how she did it).