The 5 Types of Childbirth Classes You Should Know About

One of the best ways to prepare for your upcoming labor and delivery is by attending childbirth education classes. These classes are excellent for giving a comprehensive overview of labor positions, what to expect, medical intervention options, pain management techniques, and some basic postpartum and newborn care. Most childbirth classes can be done in person or online and are a great way for you to meet other expecting parents, connect with your partner, and get all of your questions answered. Taking a childbirth class not only helps you to understand all of the decisions you get to make during your birthing experience, but it also informs you of the pros and cons of each, so that you c an make the choices that are best for you. There are 5 main childbirth classes to choose from: Lamaze, the Bradley Method, the Alexander Technique, HynoBirthing, and Birthing From Within. While all of these cover many of the same general topics, they each take different approaches based on your specific desires and expectations of the birthing experience.


Lamaze classes focus on natural childbirth coping strategies including: breathing techniques, relaxation methods, and comfort measures. Parents who attend are also taught about what to expect in their labor and birth, different interventions and medications available to them, and the postpartum period. These classes may be held at a hospital, private business, or online and often last for 8 weeks. Lamaze advocates for women to have continuous support throughout labor and delivery, be allowed to move freely and not have to give birth on their back. While it teaches expecting mothers about the different types of medical interventions, it encourages avoiding these unless necessary. Even though lamaze primarily focuses on having an unmedicated birth, it recognizes that this may not be possible for everyone so everyone must be fully informed of all of their options. Lamaze breathing paired with comfort measures have been found to reduce the length of labor, the number of unplanned c-sections, pain, and postpartum bleeding in first time parents.

The Bradley Method:

The bradley method holds that childbirth is a natural process and that, with the right preparation, most women can avoid medications and interventions. One of the ways that the bradley method believes women can prepare for natural births is by living a healthy lifestyle in pregnancy. This includes maintaining a nutrient-dense diet and exercising. It also highly values education and teaching women what is happening to their body during pregnancy, along with what to expect in labor and delivery. These classes are more intensive, usually lasting for 12 weeks and come with a workbook that you and your partner will complete together throughout the course. One of the biggest components of the bradley method is the notion that your partner becomes your birth coach. They are taught how to help you with relaxation techniques, as well as how to advocate for you. Having your partner as your birth coach has been found to strengthen the bond between couples and reduce stress and anxiety in labor and birth. Along with having your birth coach, the bradley method suggests that women need these things to have a safe, unmedicated birth: Dim lighting, privacy, physical comfort, quiet, confidence, controlled breathing, and sleep-like relaxation.

The Alexander Technique:

The alexander technique is less focused on whether or not you want a medicated birth and more on improving your balance, flexibility, and coordination. Instead of learning about what to expect with your labor and delivery, these classes are geared towards understanding your body’s structure, your new size, undoing muscular tension, and fixing collapsed or contracted postures. It is recommended that expecting mothers take this class weekly as the more you are able to practice it and incorporate it into your daily life, the greater the benefits. The alexander technique has been found especially effective for women who are dealing with back pain, neck pain, and carpel tunnel syndrome by helping to alleviate their discomfort throughout pregnancy, labor, and delivery. During labor and delivery, the alexander technique stresses focusing on getting out of your head and allowing your body to take over. Whether or not you choose to use pain medications, the goal of this technique is to undo tension in the body and redirect it into softness and openness as you relax your body. It also promotes pushing only on the contractions you want to and that feel like they will be productive, rather than pushing with each one and wearing yourself out.


Hypnobirthing is a technique that uses hypnosis, visualization, meditation, and deep breathing to help women overcome their anxiety, fear, and pain while giving birth. Hypnobirthing is usually used by women seeking a natural, unmedicated birth, but it can be just as effective for women having a hospital birth. Mastering all of the practices in hypnobirthing can take weeks or even months. These classes meet once a week, but some women are asked to practice their techniques with their partner every day leading up to their birth. In addition, these courses cover nutrition in pregnancy, what to expect during your labor and delivery, and tips for having a no- to minimal-intervention pregnancy and birth. To get into this state of hypnosis, women are encouraged to use visualizations, suggestions, and positive affirmations so that their body can relax and their breathing can slow down. This helps blood to continue flowing effectively to the uterus and legs and for the muscles to relax enough so that the body can work the way it’s supposed to in childbirth. Many women have found hypnobirthing to be crucial in reducing their fear about giving birth, which has helped them to have much more positive experiences. Women who use hypnobirthing report still being fully conscious of what is going on and able to make decisions, but are just less focused on the intensity of the sensations of giving birth. However, hypnobirthing is not for everyone as some women have a harder time using visualization and the power of suggestions to slip into hypnosis.

Birthing From Within:

Birthing from within is a comprehensive course focused on preparing for childbirth, with the belief that birth is a natural process governed by the body. The goal is teaching women how to trust their body and their instincts so that they are still calm and confident even if their birth doesn’t go how they planned. Birthing from within is widely popular because it can be used by women regardless of what kind of birth they plan on having or whether or not they want medications/interventions. These classes focus heavily on preparing mothers emotionally, physically, and mentally for giving birth. They do this by not only teaching women coping mechanisms and concrete knowledge, but by also using creative exploration to get in touch with the body’s natural abilities and instincts. Some women may feel guilt or shame if their pregnancy or birth doesn’t go the way they envisioned and birthing from within advocates for self acceptance and compassion towards the self to help keep these negative emotions out of the body. Birthing from within is all about surrendering to the process and trusting that what your body is doing and what is happening is exactly what needs to be happening.

Once you have decided on which type of childbirth class would best benefit you and your baby, look online to see if there are any certified educators teaching that method in your area. If you aren’t able to find a provider who teaches your desired course nearby, visit the official website of the childbirth class to learn how to enroll in an online course. There are no right or wrong choices when it comes to picking your childbirth class, only you can decide what is best for you and the type of birthing experience you envision yourself having.

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Best types of child birth education classes for expecting parents.

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