7 Secrets To Preparing For Your Birth

  • Without overwhelming your mind or your schedule
  • Easy to implement practices
  • Natural methods that won’t break the bank
screenshots of the seven secrets to helping you prepare for your birth
Image of the author and Babes and Birth founder, Rachel Gonzalez

Hi, I’m Rachel!

Hello! My name is Rachel and I have assisted dozens of mothers throughout their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery. I have served in both home birth and hospital births and worked to give women specialized care and help fulfill their birth dreams. While working in this job, I realized that I was more passionate about educating, supporting, and empowering women than the hands-on aspects. I also saw a need for mothers and mothers-to-be to have access to information that wasn’t either dumbed-down or overly medicalized. I started shifting my career from attending births and being on-call to continuing my education and sharing everything I have and am continuing to learn with mothers in a comprehensive and easy to understand way.

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